Fresh from her smash hit Edinburgh Fringe run and Soho Theatre sell-out debut, Chloe Petts returns with her follow-up hour.

You may hear a lot about her being a big Crystal Palace fan, but we won’t hold that against her. Expect routines on wedding dancefloors, the footie and calling you all a bunch of virgins. Chloe is coming to The Y Theatre during this year’s Leicester Comedy Festival and we caught up with her to find out more about the show.

How would you describe your comedy to someone who has never seen you live?

I would say that it’s pretty accessible for most people who come to watch – it’s cerebral but also laddy and stupid, oftentimes. I love to talk about gender and sexuality but also about football. I also talk to the audience a lot and try to create an atmosphere and unique narrative for the night.

Have you performed at Leicester Comedy Festival before? If so, what do you think it is about the festival that makes it special?

I’ve performed at the Leicester Comedy Festival and I always love it. Although I’m doing my tour show this year, I love bringing work-in-progresses because the audiences are always very kind but smart and discerning; they’ll be generous with their laughter but also won’t laugh if what you say is shit. Although that can be hurtful, it’s very useful and ultimately what you need to make the show better!!

What is the best gig you’ve ever performed?

I supported Ed Gamble on his Electric tour and the best gig was the one at the Apollo. I was so nervous the whole day but then as soon as I stepped onstage I felt so calm and like it was where I meant to be. It was then a pleasure to watch him absolutely annihilate. It was the perfect day coz it was so cool but also the pressure was kinda off despite my nerves coz it wasn’t about me – it was like being his best man at a wedding. I got to be a part of this incredibly cool thing but also focus on supporting him to have the best day.

And the worst?

Hmmm that’s a tough question but probably the time I did a zoom gig over Covid for BBC Radio Wales. Someone hadn’t muted themselves and I heard them sigh and say “do I have to be here?” which made me laugh so hard. It’s like you’re in your own home, you can click one button and not be here – what is this self-flagellation in staying?

What can people expect from your Comedy Festival show?

Hopefully lots of laughter! It’s an exploration of anger and whether it’s a useful feeling so I dissect the things that really rile me up. I’m interested to hear what winds my audience members up too.

If you were going to recommend one other comedian at the festival, who would it be?

Sam Lake. He’s so so funny and brilliant. His show at the last Fringe was one of my favourites to the extent that I got mum tickets to see him as her Christmas present. I hope she likes very rude jokes about gay sex.

What else do you have planned through 2024?

Loads! Gotta finish my own tour and then I’m back out on tour with Ed Gamble (with a little break in between to go to the Melbourne Comedy Festival), recording and releasing my Radio Four show (it’s called Toilet Humour and looks at the history of toilets to try and understand why there’s so much moral panic around them today), then writing my new show to perform at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival this year (it’s about some trolling that I got that I thought was quite funny). I think that’s enough stuff to be going on with for now.

Where can people find out more about you?

All my tour dates are at and also follow on instagram @chloepetts. I put any gigs I’m doing there but also you can learn more about what I like to do (mainly whinge when Crystal Palace lose).


Chloe Petts is performing at The Y Theatre on Thursday 22 February. Book tickets via the Leicester Comedy Festival website.