If you’re like us and enjoy nothing more than relaxing with a serial killer documentary, then don’t miss tickets to Crime Viral’s Inside The Mind of a Serial Killer event at The Big Difference on Sunday 15 January.

We caught up with the lady behind the event series, Cheish Merryweather, to find out what to expect. Tickets are priced at £18 (half price student and NUS discount available), and are on sale via Eventbrite.

How would you describe what is the show about?

This show will be covering many topics including the four types of serial killers, seven phases of serial killing explained, how serial killers are caught and the shocking phenomenon that is Hybristophilia; why some women fall in love with serial killers.

Which serial killers will discussion focus on?

On this evening, we will be focusing on British serial killers Dr. Harold Shipman, Peter ‘Yorkshire Ripper’ Sutcliffe, Amelia Dyer, Fred and Rose West. There will also be serial killers from the U.S too including Jeffrey Dahmer, Joseph ‘Golden State Killer’ DeAngelo and many more.

How do you explain the rise in popularity of serial killer documentaries and discussion?

Now more than ever we have an insatiable appetite for true crime. We can listen to podcasts about serial killers along with our first cup of coffee in the morning and I believe this is how people like to explore the darker side of humanity. It is human nature to become engrossed in the world of the morbid and the macabre, we want to hear these stories about serial killers so we know exactly what to look for as many of these predators are hiding in plain sight. Serial killers look just like us but lurking underneath they feel like a different species entirely and this just fascinates us even more.

How did you first start working in this area?

My fascination with serial killers began when I was very young. I read a book on the Yorkshire Ripper at the age of 8 years old and I was absolutely terrified. Once I started researching serial killers – their childhoods and psychology – it gave me comfort that these real-life monsters could be studied in-depth so we have a better understanding of why they did what they did.

Which crime story has interested you the most over the years?

In the talk, I mention in-depth about the case of Dr. Harold Shipman. I explain how he got away with his sinister crimes for so long while he was posing as the local, brilliant GP everyone trusted in. My fascination is how these twisted individuals manage to hide in plain sight for so long and which warning signs we should certainly be looking for in the future.

Who is the show aimed at? 

99% of our audience is women! We can’t seem to get enough of true crime and this is a great venue where we can all get together and share our common interests.

What can people find out more and buy tickets?

Tickets are available on the Crime Viral website with full listing details and also available via Eventbrite: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/inside-the-mind-of-a-serial-killer-leicester-tickets-432428704897

Inside the Mind of a Serial Killer takes places at The Big Difference on High Street on Sunday 15 January.