As you may have read we’re currently finding out just how good personal trainers are and what difference they can make in 5 weeks. The guys down at Find Your Fitness in Wigston are putting us through our paces and on Saturday 7 June they’re holding an event to celebrate 6 months of them opening the studio.

If you’ve ever thought about getting a personal trainer but haven’t known where to start now is your chance to go down and meet the boys, have some fun and chat with them about your goals and how they could potentially help you.

The event will kick off at 10am with a 5km run, starting at their studio in Mowsley End, Wigston Magna, and this will be followed at 12pm by a BBQ (a healthy BBQ at that so no need to feel guilty!). They’ll be on hand for help and advice, there’ll be some free supplements to give away and even a charity raffle.

You can attend either or both parts of the day and it’s the perfect opportunity to meet other people who have trained at Find Your Fitness and get an idea of just how they could help you!

If you’d like to attendĀ please email address, contact name and telephone number to:
[email protected] so that they know numbers.

Further information on Find Your Fitness can be found HERE.

Event details
Saturday 7 June
Find Your Fitness studio, Mosley End, Wigston Magna
10am – 5km run
12pm – BBQ, supplements, advice and raffle.