Printing is indispensable for many businesses, but that doesn’t mean it has to cost a small fortune. By following these simple tips, you could see your monthly printing expenses decrease without disrupting normal day-to-day processes.

Think About Ink

Ink is the main culprit when it comes to increased printing costs. This is why it’s important to look for the best value printer ink cartridges that still deliver on quality. If you’re just printing standard documents, there’s no need for you to invest in premium inks that are used for specialist photography and design printing. All you need to do is make sure the words are clear and crisp on your page, which most budget cartridges will deliver on.

Don’t Forget Font

Did you know that some fonts use more ink than others? But don’t worry, that doesn’t mean you suddenly have to send out all your correspondence in Comic Sans. Arial can be a common culprit for using up more ink than necessary, but by opting for Times New Roman or Century Gothic instead, you can save money in the long run. Try to avoid bold text and underlining too, as this can eat up your reserves.

Black is Best

Rather than printing in colour, choose greyscale, especially if your printing is just going to be used internally. Black ink is typically more affordable to replace and, unless your documents are being sent to clients, shows up just fine even on graphics and diagrams.

Save Paper

While ink is likely to be the most expensive part of printing, don’t forget about paper too. You can make your current stock last longer if you print on both sides of the page and reuse any printing disasters as scrap paper. Similarly to ink, you don’t need to shell out for top quality sheets unless you really need a premium gloss finish.

Limit Staff

Implementing a printing limit across staff can help to reduce the amount of ink and paper being wasted. You’d be surprised how many times employees hit print and forget to collect their documents. By imposing a limit you’ll force staff to think more carefully about what they’re printing and whether they need a hard copy. If there are only a few employees who need access to the printer, consider giving them a code for special access.

Offer Paperless

When it comes to communications with customers, make sure you offer them a paperless option. While letters work well for those who actually read them, many customers might be putting your correspondence straight in the recycling without even opening it. This is both a waste of your money and their time, so give them the option to opt into email only communications. Not only will this make your lives easier, but gives your business a more eco-friendly edge.

Buy a New Printer

Buying a new printer will temporarily increase your printing-related costs, it’s true, but in the long run a more efficient machine can save money. There are plenty of models out there that use less ink and energy, so make sure you shop around before upgrading.